Holding company and operating company across DK-SE

Hi, We need some advise on holding company structures and operational company with external investors. Background: We are three founders of a tech-startup (2 in DK and 1 in SE). We will receive an investment from a swedish fund in coming weeks, and in return they will get an equity share in our future company. 1 of the founders in DK is from Hungary (EU), and the other is from Mexico (on a 3 year permit), and I am swedish citizen living in Sweden. 1. Holding company structure We plan to setup a separate holding company for each founder, currently proposed 2 in DK, for each DK founder, and 1 in SE for swedish founder. 2. Operating company structure Our holding companies (2 from DK, 1 from SE) would then start a limited company (AB) in sweden, where the fund would get part of the equity from an investment made. Operations and sales would be in this company, our initial target market would be the Nordics. Salaries and other costs would be paid from this company. Do you see any issues or pointers to above suggested process?


4 december 2024


Tack för din fråga. Från ett bolagsrättsligt perspektiv så fungerar ert förslag och det är ett vanligt sätt att strukturera gränsöverskridande bolag. Det är dock viktigt att ni även får input från en skatteexpert och kanske en revisor om detta då strukturen oftast en skattefråga.

Som ni kanske känner till kan ni ställa frågor till skatteexperter här på Öresundsexperterna.

Bästa hälsningar,

Johan Ragnar

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